Texas soccer side Galveston Pirates are pleased to announce their purchase of a franchise berth within the U.S National Premier Soccer League (NPSL).

by Marc Roseblade

Teams from Brooklyn to San Diego, Atlanta to Chicago, Milwaukee to Buffalo already take part in this nationwide league setup, Galveston are just the latest of a series of sides to make the step up to this illustrious league and the point isn't lost on Pirate coach and owner Brendan Keyes.

"It's a great chance and opportunity for us, as a team to grow and progress and this national platform gives us the chance to shine." said Keyes.

After a aborted attempt to join the NPSL floundered a couple of season's ago due to a franchise ownership issue, the Pirates initiated and jointly founded the SPSL in the Houston area before joining the Houston Football Association (HFA) where they currently ply their trade.

"We will continue to play in the HFA during the close season of the NPSL giving us the chance to play all year round which is great for me personally as I live and breath the game, it's what I do and all I ever think about." enthused Keyes.

Continuing on he said:"We may need to have a squad roster of nearly two separate teams to cope with the volume of games we have now set ourselves but I want this, the players want this and the public want this. This could catapult the team and the league's we participate in, into the Texas sporting limelight which can only be a good thing for all involved."

The Pirate side are only four matches into the HFA Championship this season and currently sit third and will play through until March next year before having a small break before joining the NPSL in May where they will play until July.

Joining the NPSL also gives the Galveston side the opportunity of gaining automatic qualification to the U.S Lamar Open Cup by winning their individual divisional section being able to get drawn against NASL and MLS sides in the ultimate quest of a nationwide platform.

Keyes said of the Open Cup chance:"Ideally we would love to play against Houston Dynamo. Being local to us, we have played their Academy side on many occasions but never the MLS senior side. It would be dream come true to play them on this stage."
"Wouldn't it be great it we could could be the first side to play them at their new stadium that's currently being built? What a coup that would be!" Keyes said with a wry smile.

The Pirates have a very young side at the moment with many of the players still studying at college but have a couple of higher profile players flung in for good measure.

RJ McNair, whose uncle was the late NFL star quarterback Steve McNair, who played for the Houston Oilers, Tennessee Titans and Baltimore Ravens was recently installed as captain of the side even though he's still at the tender age of 23.

Another who has experience and age on the other players is ex Bahamian international Peron Major who at 32 is the elder statesman of the squad whose experience will be key to this side competing in the NPSL when it comes around next year.

One thing's for sure with Keyes and his players, they will relish this new commitment, it's what they compete for, it's the ultimate challenge, BRING IT ON!

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