BREAKING NEWS:Large Green Leprechaun Seen in Ballys Gym

Galveston 10th December:
Stories have been bouncing around the streets of Galveston this evening after reports of a large green Leprechaun style being having been sighted in Galveston Pirate sponsor Ballys gym were reported by locals.

Management in the gym facility were said to be inundated with screams and shouts from regular fitness fanatics as they ran from the establishment in fear of their wellbeing.

The 'Being' was said to be completely in Green and speaking in a funny tongue that no one could understand.

A brave member of staff approached the 'Jolly Green Monster' but was left dumbfounded after explaining that the language was incomprehensible with only the words "Arrrr bee garrrr", "Top o the morning to ya" & "Loike" being the only similar style English words that could be made out.

'Hulk' like in structure, the being was said to be glowing like a great big stick of celery, with the light coming off it lighting up the whole gym like he was irradiated with nuclear fission.

A single solitary photo has emerged but more have been circulating and graphic designers have been running them through a spectrograph to try and highlight facial features in the hope the 'being' can be identified.

Further details will be forthcoming as we receive them!

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